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  • DVIS Parents


1958 - "On March 30, Alvin Ailey and a group of young, black modern dancers perform for the first time as members of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater at New York’s 92nd Street YM-YWHA. The Company travels on what Alvin Ailey calls “the station wagon tours” in a vehicle driven by a longtime friend of the Company, Mickey Board."

1960 - Alvin Ailey's Masterpiece Revelations Is Born, Alvin Ailey choreographs his classic masterpiece Revelations, which brings the Company international acclaim.

2020 - Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre performed on February 20 at 10:30am at the Fox Theatre for the youth of Atlanta. The students of DVIS attended this outstanding performance and had the privilege of experiencing Revelations.

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